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Leisure Travel Agency

Leisure Travel Agency was opened to provide you with the best possible prices for whatever occasion you want to travel whether by air, land or sea. Our professional and courteous consultants are ready to give you that personalized touch, so you know that when you leave Leisure, your travel plans were handled in a manner that was convenient and hassle free to you.

Take advantage of our group packages for your family or organization (church, school, etc.) We are conveniently located on Montgomery Street Palmdale, one of Nassau’s familiar spots. Come experience the world with us, and let us open up the doorway of the world for you to explore, experience, and enjoy.

This is the Leisure way, “Where service makes the difference”

    Leisure Travel Agency
    Contact information
    #10 RichLill House Montgomery Street, Palmdale P.O. Box SS 19057
    Phone: +1 242-325-6847 (Bahamas)
    Phone: 305-290-6170 (U.S)
    Fax: 242-325-6868

    Industry Business Partners